Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finding the truth - Is it even possible

It is not that I am a supporter of Palin, honestly that couldn't be farther from what I am. In fact she has pretty much scared me from the day she was selected running mate. However, it is probably necessary to say that the recent pictures of her are the results of very skilled Photo Shop artists (i.e. they are false according to most hoax sites on the Internet). It would make things easy the pictures were true, but it is better to hunt for the true facts.

My frustration with all important elections is that finding the truth is as close to impossible as you can get. As long as the media continues to allow hoaxes like these; the truth will continue to elude almost all of us, allowing for the wrong decisions to be made in the voting booth. Here is an interesting article by Leonard Pitts, Miami Herald, regarding this sort of thing.

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